Gout is a chronic disease characterized by intermittent painful arthritis. Gout primarily affects the toes, feet, ankles, or knees. Gout attacks bring sudden joint pain, often limiting joint function. Initially, one joint is typically affected, and symptoms resolve between attacks, but later stages can involve multiple joints.
Rich in antioxidants, cherries lower the risk of gout attacks. Three servings or cherry extracts are recommended.
Enzymes in papaya reduce inflammation and remove excess uric acid from the body. It’s packed with antioxidants.
Celery Seeds:
Nutrient-rich celery seeds reduce uric acid levels and lower inflammation. Add them to your diet.
This versatile herb’s anti-inflammatory effects reduce swelling and uric acid levels. Drink ginger tea regularly.
High in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemons help reduce inflammation and clear uric acid. Consume lemon juice multiple times a day.
Nutrient-dense avocados contain anti-inflammatory compounds, reducing inflammation and gout flares.
Regular coffee intake helps flush uric acid from your system, lowering the risk of gout.
High in potassium and low in purines, bananas reduce uric acid levels and lower the risk of gout attacks.