Health benefits of Spiny Gourd

spiny gourd

Spiny gourd, also known as spine gourd or bitter gourd, is a vegetable with numerous health benefits. Some of its potential health benefits include:

Prevents hypertension and improves cardiovascular health: 

The high antioxidant activity of spiny gourd aids blood flow and protects against atherosclerosis, thus benefiting cardiovascular health. It can help maintain healthy arterial walls and prevent lipid peroxidation.

Protects against recurring illnesses: 

Spiny gourd may help boost the immune system, making it effective in averting viral illnesses like the common cold, flu, and cough, especially during the monsoon season.

Increases resistance to disease: 

With medicinal properties like being an antihistamine, antioxidant, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory agent, spiny gourd can support the immune system in fighting off microorganisms and enhancing killer cell function.

Resolves skin disorders and eczema: 

The juice of young spiny gourd fruits can be used to treat acne, while roasted seeds of ripe fruits might be beneficial for certain skin conditions like eczema.

Safeguards the liver: 

Abundant antioxidants and flavonoids in spiny gourd help in scavenging free radicals and inhibiting the oxidation of fats, making it a protective measure against Fatty Liver.

Acne and skin care: 

Spiny gourd’s high water content (84 percent) can aid in skin hydration. Applying the juice of crushed spiny gourd skin to a pimple may also be beneficial.

Treatment and prevention of breathing problems: 

Spiny gourd fruit, when used as a powder or infusion through the nasal passages, has an errhine effect, which can help alleviate symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

Improves brain function: 

Ayurvedic medicine suggests that the fruit of the spiny gourd can support the central nervous system and may help in alleviating certain mental illnesses.

Beneficial for diabetes patients: 

Spiny gourd can potentially lower blood sugar levels, protect pancreatic beta-cells, promote their regeneration, enhance insulin secretion, and improve insulin sensitivity, making it beneficial for diabetes management.

Benefits the digestive system: 

Spiny gourd’s cooling and digestible properties make it a good choice for gastrointestinal issues like stomach ulcers, piles, constipation, and excessive bile juice production (biliousness).

Manages weight: 

As a low-calorie vegetable, spiny gourd can be included in a regular diet to aid in weight management.

Protects against cancer: 

Some studies suggest that spiny gourd may offer protection against cancer due to its presence of important antioxidants, though more research is needed to establish this link conclusively.

It’s important to note that while spiny gourd can offer potential health benefits, individual responses may vary. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or using any natural remedies for specific health conditions.

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