Have You Given up Rice And Bread in an Attempt to Lose Weight? But How is it Affecting Your Body?

People who aim to lose weight typically steer clear of carb-heavy foods such as rice and bread. In addition to exercising regularly, many individuals attempt to decrease their carb consumption to shed pounds rapidly. Nevertheless, if someone excludes carbs from their diet for an extended period, it may not be beneficial for their overall health. The body requires carbohydrates to generate energy, and completely eliminating them can have adverse impacts on one’s health. Consequently, while lowering carb intake can be advantageous in the short term, it is crucial to maintain a healthy and balanced diet in the long run.

Experts in nutrition recommend that we consume a balanced diet containing adequate amounts of protein, vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates to maintain the proper functioning of our bodies. The recommended daily intake of these essential nutrients varies based on age and physical condition. For carbohydrates, a daily intake of 60 to 130 grams is appropriate for most people. However, it’s important to seek advice from a nutritionist before making sudden changes to your diet, as such changes can cause physical and mental health problems.

What impact can eliminating carbs from a weight loss diet have on the body and mind?

Headaches and irritability

Even after waking up from sleep, do you find yourself holding your head? Have you considered that this may be due to a lack of sugar in the body? This is because the brain relies on sugar to control all its functions. Not only that, the serotonin hormone in the body also helps with carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, if there is a sudden decrease in carbohydrates, it can lead to mood swings or sudden irritability.


Most of the energy needed to work comes from carbohydrates in our diet. But if carbs are eliminated from the diet, the body cannot store that same amount of energy. As a result, the body can feel weak and fatigued, making it difficult to engage in physical activities.


Many people experience digestive problems at the beginning of a diet. Eliminating carbohydrates and fiber from the diet can lead to constipation.

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