Soaking walnuts before eating is a common practice that many people adopt for several reasons. Primarily, it is done to enhance their digestibility, eliminate bitterness, and improve nutrient absorption. This process is believed to provide potential health benefits. Here’s why soaking walnuts is considered beneficial
Increase Digestibility
One of the primary reasons people soak walnuts is to improve their digestibility. Walnuts, like other nuts, contain enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid, which can make them hard to digest for some individuals. Phytic acid binds to minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc, preventing their absorption in the body. By soaking walnuts in water for several hours or overnight, the levels of enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid are reduced, making the nuts easier to digest. Many people report experiencing less gastrointestinal discomfort, such as bloating or gas, when consuming soaked walnuts compared to eating them raw or unsoaked.
Reducing Bitterness in Walnuts
Walnuts have natural compounds like tannins that can make them taste bitter. Soaking walnuts in water can help remove some of these compounds, making the walnuts taste milder and more enjoyable. Soaked walnuts often have a more pleasant flavor compared to raw ones, which can be especially useful for those who are sensitive to bitterness or dislike the taste of raw walnuts.
Enhanced Nutrient Absorption
Soaking walnuts can improve the absorption of nutrients by reducing phytic acid levels. This process helps release bound minerals, making them more accessible for absorption in the digestive system. This can be particularly advantageous for those with nutrient deficiencies or those on plant-based diets, as walnuts provide essential minerals like iron, calcium, and zinc. However, the effectiveness of soaking on nutrient absorption may differ based on factors such as individual gut health and overall diet.
Removal of Contaminants
Soaking walnuts can also help remove surface mold, bacteria, and other contaminants. Using water with added salt or vinegar during soaking may aid in disinfecting the nuts, thereby reducing the risk of foodborne illness. This is especially useful if the walnuts have been stored improperly or if there are concerns about their freshness. However, it’s crucial to use clean, filtered water and discard any walnuts that look moldy or spoiled before soaking.
Softening for Culinary Applications
Soaked walnuts become softer than their raw counterparts, which can be beneficial for various culinary uses. Their softer texture makes them easier to blend into smoothies, sauces, or nut milks, achieving a smoother consistency. They are also ideal for raw desserts, energy bars, or vegan cheeses where a softer texture is preferred. Some recipes may specifically require soaked walnuts to achieve the optimal taste and texture.

Walnuts offer health benefits at any time of day. Eating them as a snack between meals or adding them to breakfast, salads, or desserts can help manage appetite and promote feelings of fullness due to their protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Consuming walnuts before bedtime may also support better sleep, thanks to their melatonin and other relaxation-promoting nutrients. For optimal health and well-being, incorporate walnuts into your diet consistently and in moderation. Feel free to experiment with different times and meal combinations to see what suits your preferences and lifestyle best.
Why should walnuts be soaked before eating?
Soaking walnuts enhances digestibility, reduces bitterness, improves nutrient absorption, and removes contaminants, making them healthier and more enjoyable to eat.
How does soaking walnuts improve nutrient absorption?
Soaking reduces phytic acid levels, which helps release bound minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron, making them easier for the body to absorb.
What are some culinary benefits of soaked walnuts?
Soaked walnuts become softer, making them ideal for blending into smoothies, sauces, nut milk, energy bars, and vegan cheeses for a smoother texture.