Cold Water vs. Warm Water: Benefits and Risks

cold water vs warm water

The best temperature for drinking water depends on personal preference and the situation. Both cold and warm water have their benefits and risks, as summarized below:

Cold Water: 

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Drink Chilled Water This Summer - NDTV Food


  • Helps lower core body temperature, making it refreshing during exercise, hot weather, or when running a fever.
  • Can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism.
  • Prevents dehydration by lowering body temperature and reducing excessive sweating.


  • May have an adverse effect on digestion, leading to potential issues like indigestion, constipation, and slower digestion.
  • Can make stomach and abdominal cramps feel worse.

Best Time to Drink Cold Water:

  • When you’re trying to bring your body’s core temperature down, such as during exercise, in hot weather, or when running a fever.

Warm Water: 

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  • Improves digestion by activating the digestive system and stimulating blood flow to the intestines, preventing indigestion and constipation.
  • Helps detoxify the body and may prevent skin issues like acne.
  • Can combat certain types of pain, such as menstrual cramps, headaches, joint pains, and muscle sprains, by increasing blood flow to tissues.


  • Some individuals may find warm water unpalatable, but it can be enhanced with added flavors like fruit or citrus.

Best Time to Drink Warm Water:

  • In the morning to kick-start metabolism and promote optimal functioning throughout the day.
  • With meals to aid digestion and fluidity.
  • When feeling bloated after consuming heavy meals.

Ultimately, the choice of water temperature depends on personal preference, specific health conditions, and the situation at hand. Drinking water, whether cold or warm, is essential for overall health and well-being. It’s crucial to stay hydrated regardless of the water temperature, so choose what works best for you and enjoy the benefits of proper hydration.

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