What is the diet for kidney disease?

When planning a diet for kidney disease, several factors must be taken into account. It is important to determine which stage of renal disease the patient is in, as the diet will vary from stage 1 to stage 4. Additionally, blood tests must be performed to determine the patient’s levels of creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other substances in the body. Once all of these factors are known, a suitable diet plan can be developed.

The primary focus of the dietary plan:


sodium is another name for a headache caused by a disease. So, you should reduce salt intake in your food as much as possible. It is advisable to eat less than 5 grams of salt per day.


Control the intake of protein in kidney disease. In this case, the patient’s diet is divided into low protein 1, low protein 2, strict restriction, etc. The amount of protein required for each patient varies. Now the question may arise, what kind of protein should be consumed? Among animal proteins, the white part of the egg, fish, and chicken are good. Red meat should be avoided. However, if there is more cholesterol in the body or heart disease, plant-based proteins like soybean, lettuce, etc. are better.


It is found that there are how many grams of potassium in 100 grams of food. If there is more than 200 milligrams of potassium, it should not be consumed. Such foods include coriander leaves, drumstick leaves, spinach, jackfruit, yam, sweet potato, raw papaya, etc. You should try to eat foods with less than 100 milligrams of potassium, such as beet, cucumber, gourd, bottle gourd, beans, sesame, celery, ridge gourd, etc.


Even if you eat phosphorus-rich foods in your diet, it won’t be enough. Foods like milk, lentils, ripe papaya, pineapple, banana, pear, watermelon, etc. contain more phosphorus. Such foods should be avoided as much as possible. In this case, you can eat yogurt instead of milk.


Avoid fats such as ghee, butter, vegetable oil, cheese, etc. as they are harmful to kidney patients. Cooking oil is an unsaturated fat. Use oil in cooking as per the advice of a specialist.

Remember, when it comes to managing a kidney patient’s diet, it is essential to seek the advice of a specialist. Otherwise, the body will deteriorate rapidly. The disease will go beyond control.

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