Foods to Avoid (or Limit) on the Keto Diet
Limit high-carb foods on keto: avoid grains (rice, wheat), starchy veggies (potatoes), and refined carbs (bread, pasta). Shift to fat for energy.
Limit high-carb foods on keto: avoid grains (rice, wheat), starchy veggies (potatoes), and refined carbs (bread, pasta). Shift to fat for energy.
High protein intake from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, and yogurt can impact creatinine levels. Consult for safe protein intake with high creatinine.
Choose a stomach ulcer-friendly diet with soothing foods—fruits, veggies, lean proteins & whole grains. Skip spicy, acidic, and fried items for effective healing.
Certain healthy leafy greens may contribute to stone formation. Counter this by incorporating dietary calcium with these meals.
Intermittent fasting aids weight loss by creating eating periods, promoting calorie deficit, and triggering hormonal changes for effective weight management.
Boost omega-3s with salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel. Consume 3-6 ounces, 2-4 times weekly for heart health and reduced inflammation.